Over 1 Billion Patents Searched
Two week turnaround
Requires very specific invention disclosure
$1,500 examiner level
$2,500 lawyer level
$5,000 expert witness/PTAB level (4 weeks)
Examples of real situations with clients:
The client needed a knock out 102 and was sure all the U.S. and foreign patents in the correct classifications had been reviewed. PatentKEY went out to the warehouse, looked in those classes shoes and found an old brochure that was not available electronically.
Taking the clients two closest references, entering the entire field of search classifications listed and creating a huge 300,000 database to start the searching using robust electronic tools and knowledge in the field of searching.
By searching for other keywords, and the different meanings for them in dictionaries, PatentKEY was able to find a knock out 102 right under their nose in the same art.